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Be Unique with our Broadband Package Builders for Home and Business
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Our 'Broadband for home' packages are suitable for a wide range of home and family uses. Occasional internet users can get a great price with our 'Standard' choices, whilst serious internet users and families can enjoy greater download freedom with our 'Heavy' choices.

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Ideal for occasional
web browsing and email

Ideal for the more
demanding home users
Please select a
usage package
before choosing
your speed
All prices quoted include VAT

usage explained choose a package
Your choice of package influences the price and data download capabilities of your connection. A Standard package has a 5GB data transfer allowance but is available for a much lower price, making it ideal for most users.

Heavy packages offer a 15GB data transfer allowance making them better suited to more serious users or families who have many users sharing access.

speed explained choose your speed
Your choice of speed depends upon how much you want your monthly payments to be. Faster speeds improve download speeds but do so for a higher cost.

your choices so far
Package Selected: None
Speed Selected: None
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